Vintage Bicycle Bayliss Wiley Spindle Bottom Bracket

  • Sale
  • Regular price £9.99


Unit in very good condition. Some evidence of rust
Various size
No. and Make A B C D
1. Raleigh 19.4mm 54.7mm 22.2mm 128.0mm
2. 16GC 19.0mm 53.8mm 32.0mm 135.5mm
3. R10 20.0mm 55.0mm 23.0mm 128.0mm
4. CR411 YST 28.0mm 52.0mm 33.0mm 144.0mm
5. Uname 24.0mm 58.0mm 31.0mm 143.0mm
6. Spindle with thread 39mm 4mm to thread   148.5mm